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Load json in singleton

This example shows how to load a file like a config inside a singleton to access it everywhere.

For the TypeScript examples, all .ts files will be compiled as .mjs to the folder scripts/generated/**.

Note: If you use TypeScript you need to set "resolveJsonModule": true inside your tsconfig.json.

1. Create file

We create a new folder named config and a new file test.json.

Next we write this to the test.json:

  "test": true

2. Create the singleton

We create a new file inside our src folder like read-config.(mjs|ts) and add this code to it:

import TestJson from "res://config/test.json";

export default class ReadConfig extends godot.Node {
  static _singleton;

  static get singleton() {
    return ReadConfig._singleton;

  constructor() {
    if (!ReadConfig._singleton) {
      ReadConfig._singleton = this;

  // This property is available for other classes
  config = TestJson;
// @ts-ignore
import TestJson from "res://config/test.json";

type TestType = {
  test: boolean;

export default class ReadConfig extends godot.Node {
  static _singleton: ReadConfig;

  static get singleton() {
    return ReadConfig._singleton;

  constructor() {
    if (!ReadConfig._singleton) {
      ReadConfig._singleton = this;

  // This property is available for other classes
  config: TestType = TestJson as TestType;

3. Autoload singleton in project

We need to update the [autoload] inside project.godot:


; Use the generated `.mjs` file instead of `.ts`

4. Use the singleton in other class

In another class e.g. main.(mjs|ts) you need to import the ReadConfig then you can access every public property and method from ReadConfig via ReadConfig.singleton:

import ReadConfig from "./read-config";

export default class Main extends godot.Node {
  _ready() {
    console.log(ReadConfig.singleton.config.test); // prints "true"
import ReadConfig from "./read-config";

export default class Main extends godot.Node {
  _ready(): void {
    console.log(ReadConfig.singleton.config.test); // prints "true"