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Gotchas and limitations

Some common mistakes and limitations.

Import dependency from node_modules

If you use TypeScript you may encounter the problem where dependencies from node_modules are not bundled correctly.

As a workaround you can create a new file npm-modules.bundle.ts:

import { default as dayjs } from "dayjs";
export default { dayjs };

In your class you can use the dependency like this:

import npm from "./npm-modules.bundle";

export default class Main extends godot.Node {
  _ready(): void {

With a bundler like esbuild you should build the npm-modules.bundle.ts with the --bundle option, but all the other classes like main.ts without it.

Position.x is immutable

You cannot change this.position.x try to change this.position:

export default class Player extends godot.KinematicBody2D {
  constructor() {
    this.direction = new godot.Vector2(1, 0);
  _ready() {}
  _process(delta) {
    this.position.x += this.direction.x; // <- breaks
    this.position += this.direction; // <- works
godot.register_property(Player, "direction", new godot.Vector2(1, 0));

register_property has to be a target

You cannot change this.position.x try to change this.position:

export default class Player extends godot.KinematicBody2D {
// This works
godot.register_property(Player, "directionWorks", new godot.Vector2(1, 0));
// This breaks because `player` isn't a correct target
godot.register_property(player, "directionBreaks", new godot.Vector2(1, 0));