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Getting Started

How to export script class to Godot

  1. Define your JavaScript class and inherit from a Godot class, then export it as the default entry:
// The default export entry is treated as an exported class to Godot
export default class MySprite extends godot.Sprite {
    // this is _init() in GDScript
    constructor() {

    _ready() {}

    _process(delta) {}
  1. Save the script with extension .mjs
  2. Attach the script file to the node or resource object like you do with GDScript

How to export signals

export default class MySprite extends godot.Sprite {}
// register game_over signal to MySprite class
godot.register_signal(MySprite, "game_over");

How to export properties

export default class MySprite extends godot.Sprite {
    _process(delta) {
        // Yes! We can use operators in JavaScript like GDScript
        this.position += this.direction * delta;
// export 'direction' properties to MySprite Godot inspector
godot.register_property(MySprite, "direction", new godot.Vector2(1, 0));

There are 2 ways of using the godot.register_property. The third parameter can either be a default value for the property you're trying to export or an object giving a more detailed description of how the editor should show it.

function register_property(target: GodotClass | godot.Object, name: string, value: any);
function register_property(target: GodotClass | godot.Object, name: string, info: PropertyInfo);

So calling the register_property like this:

godot.register_property(MyClass, "number_value", 3.14);

Is the simplified version of:

godot.register_property(MyClass, "number_value", {
    type: godot.TYPE_REAL,
    hint: godot.PropertyHint.PROPERTY_HINT_NONE,
    hint_string: "",
    default: 3.14,

For more detail on how to use it, click here.