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All of Godot's APIs are defined within the godot namespace.

No API names have been renamed or changed, so you shouldn't need to change your habits.

GDScript JavaScript
null null
int number
float number
String string
Array Array
Dictionary Object
NodePath string
Object godot.Object
Resource godot.Resource
Vector2 godot.Vector2
Color godot.Color
sin(v) godot.sin(v)
print(v) godot.print(v)
PI godot.PI
Control.CursorShape godot.Control.CursorShape
Label.Align.ALIGN_LEFT godot.Label.Align.ALIGN_LEFT

API specification:

  • Keys of Dictionary are converted to String in JavaScript
  • Signals are defined as constants to their classes
    godot.Control.resized === 'resized' // true

Additional functions

  • godot.register_signal(cls, signal_name) to register signals
  • godot.register_property(cls, name, default_value) to define and export properties
  • godot.register_class(cls, name) to register named class manually
  • godot.set_script_tooled(cls, tooled) to set tooled of the class
  • godot.set_script_icon(cls, path) to set icon of the class
  • godot.get_type(val) Returns the internal type of the given Variant object, using the godot.TYPE_*
  • godot.yield(target, signal) Returns a Promise which will be resolved when the signal emitted
  • requestAnimationFrame(callback) registers a callback function to be called every frame, returns a request ID.
  • cancelAnimationFrame(request_id) to cancel a previously scheduled frame request
  • require(module_id) to load a CommonJS module or load a resource file
  • $ is the alias of Node.get_node

Using signals

Allow passing functions for godot.Object.connect, godot.Object.disconnect, and godot.Object.is_connected:

this.panel.connect(godot.Control.resized, (size) => {
  console.log("The size of the panel changed to:", size);

Using await to wait for signals

await godot.yield(
console.log("After one second to show");

Preload resources with ECMAScript import statement

import ICON from "res://icon.png";


Multi-threading with minimal Worker API (This is an experimental feature)

Start a new thread with Worker:

const worker = new Worker("worker.js"); // Run worker.js in a new thread context
worker.postMessage({ type: "load_dlc", value: "dlc01.pck" });
worker.onmessage = function (msg) {
  console.log("[MainThread] received message from worker thread:", msg);

Transfer value in different thread context with godot.abandon_value and godot.adopt_value:

// In worker thread
let id = godot.abandon_value(object);
postMessage({ type: "return_value", id: id });

// In the host thread
worker.onmessage = function (msg) {
  if (typeof msg === "object" && msg.type === "return_value") {
    let value_from_worker = godot.adopt_value(;